Thanks for your interest in our white paper on Extraordinary, Repeated Wins in Organizing! You'll learn from some of the most amazing progressive wins this century, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, the Richmond Progressive Alliance, Cooperation Jackson, RepresentUs, and Jane McAlevey.
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6 Winning Strategies Revealed in White Paper: Progressive Blueprint for Our Future
Boston, MA – A new white paper released by NewFounders and The Incorruptibles analyzes 6 recent winning electoral strategies and provides a blueprint for nationwide progressive campaigns to succeed in 2020 and beyond.
The paper, “Extraordinary, Repeatable Organizing Wins for a New Age,” explains top strategies in grassroots political organizing from the 2018 midterms and earlier.
“The progressive movement won’t be won by having more money or newer technology – it will be won by using the absolute best practices in organizing that mobilize the majority of people into a true grassroots revolution,” said Anna Callahan, co-founder and director of The Incorruptibles.
Best practices include campaigns modeled on the Richmond Progressive Alliance, in the SF Bay Area, which controls a super majority on the City Council due to a deep bench of progressive candidates who were able to fight and win against Chevron election spending.
The paper’s other analyses include how:
Represent.Us used small teams, strategic language and nonpartisan organizing to mobilize 500,000 volunteers and pass anti-corruption laws nationwide.
Jane McAlevey helped SEIU identify and elevate organic leaders to unionize over 90% of workers and win real reforms at dozens of nursing homes across Connecticut.
Bernie Sanders targeted specific communities and made constituents the experts in order to win their support, raise small dollar donations and gain votes.
Cooperation Jackson introduced worker-owned cooperatives, community land trusts and people’s assemblies to solve problems in the Mississippi capital.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez used strategic partnerships and effective field organizing to turn out first-time voters and win against a 10-term incumbent.